Posts Tagged ‘Bike’

I picked up a surprise package today and it truly feels like Christmas has come early. Inside the brown paper packaging was not just one, but two beautiful books – two editions of the Bicycle Portraits books by Stan Engelbrecht & Nic Grobler. I mentioned their project briefly on this blog back in 2010. However, […]

Trakke Messenger bags have been on my radar for a year or so now. I was reminded about them at the tweed ride in Glasgow where they were sporting a stunning Harris Tweed version. However, it is the yellow waxed cotton one that is on my wishlist and watching the short documentary above has made […]

I spotted this girl on a London street when I was down last month and I managed to take a quick snap of her impressively bright and coordinated outfit. With yellow shoes, bag and scarf matched with orange trousers and a patterned orange and yellow jacket. She obviously likes bright colours, but whether or not […]

Free bicycles and giant pumpkins sound like they should be part of some fairytale, but I have the photos to prove they exist! I discovered them both on a recent trip to visit friends in Zürich. The free bicycles via the service – Züri Rollt – a scheme that allows you to ‘borrow’ bikes for […]

Sometimes people at work really surprise you and unearth something you didn’t know existed before, you just have to take the time to talk. The other day I had a meeting with one of my colleagues about a project we are working on and he shared with me a little of his families history and […]

This cheery little (well actually reasonably sized) painting greets you as you enter my parents house. I was back visiting this weekend, and it reminded me of how these cheeky cyclists never fail to make me smile. So I thought I would share it and perhaps let it make some other people smile too. We don’t actually […]

Cyclists come in lots of different shapes, sizes and styles and normally I would be the last person to label them. However, as a follow up to my post about Woman Wheelers and some more random Tweets, where I suggested a possible male alternative as #manlymovers. A number of other suggestions arose – these suggestions play a pretty […]

Cyclists and Cake go pretty well together. Add to that a dash of great coffee and you have a recipe for good things = high energy and happy people. [Tonight two things led me to making the cakes seen in the picture above: 1. I took a look at the search terms leading to my […]

The Holstee Manifesto has always been a favourite of mine. It inspires you with a sense of empowerment, and I love that reading great words and letting your mind transform them into great ideas allows you to feel that. It is a message that not only inspires and excites me, it does exactly the same to […]

The #shinealightonmecomp is a small friendly competition that arose from a recent conversation on Twitter and which I thought was an idea worth doing something with. So I thought about it a little more, as can be seen in my  <glowing in the dark post>  where I discussed people who are using reflectives to brighten up their […]