Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Japanese studio Store Muu have a fun bike/table design that I have blogged about over on Inhabitat so take a look over there for more details on this exciting design.  



Just a simple post of appreciation for this bicycle poster. It doesn’t say too much and it doesn’t need to. It is by Eleanor Grosch and is part of Poster Caberet’s 2010 Bicycle Print Set and I really like it.

Two bicycle commuters, Stan Engelbrecht and Nic Grobler, from South Africa started a project only earlier this year titled Bicycle Portraits. However, they already have a stunning set of photographs and are starting to build a picture of who the people are that ride bicycles in South Africa and answer the question of why so […]

Some people are passionate about art, some people love to create designs and some people just like to ride their bicycles. However, it seems that some people like to do all three and that’s good, as that is when things like the ArtCrank collaborative exhibitions are created. I discovered these last November when I found a […]

Bike Hero


This clever Bike Hero video displays some fun LEDs and a Guitar Hero inspired track in the real world. I love the colourful route through the city and it makes me think about how you could design bike lanes to be more fun for the participants, (obviously getting bog standard bike lanes in some cities is […]

Bicycle Bistros


Look Mum, No Hands is a new bicycle cafe that has recently opened in London. I have not seen it in the ‘real’ yet, but it looks to be nice and big and welcomes all types of cyclists. It also has a bike workshop if you should need it. I like . In fact ‘bicycle […]

This weekend the Bike So Cool: Art Bike Event will be getting people moving in the streets of Glasgow and giving bikes the chance to become a star for the day. Alexander Stevenson has been building a number of painted backdrops and podiums that will be placed at art galleries along the route, these will allow […]

A recent comment about the white bicycles in Amsterdam in one of my posts started me thinking about the measurable effect that these bikes had in their time. This was quite timely, as I also read a piece in the Herald today ‘Free bike plan pits hippies against light fingered neds‘  about an initiative by […]

Mainstream culture is adopting bicycles as the new fashion accessory, as can be seen in a host of Fashion Advertisements that have been published in the last year. They may not always promote cycling in the safest manner, but they do promote cycling to a (potentially) new audience, which is good! I am going to start […]

Bike Buddy


Bike Buddy is currently on the Refresh Everything , in competition for winning 250k to help them start the motion. I like the idea, particularly where cyclists are currently the minority. I also think the video below demonstrates it quite nicely, if not somewhat simply. In fact it reminds me a little of some groups […]